Nota Legal




The texts, images, sounds, animations, video and the rest of SEAT COMMERCIAL APPLICATION PORTAL (CAP) contents are the property of SEAT, S.A., or of third parties that have licensed or authorised SEAT, S.A. to use them. All the logos, brand names and industrial designs that appear on the CAP are part of the industrial and intellectual copyright registered by SEAT, S.A., and any form of exploitation, covering the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is forbidden without the express authorisation of SEAT, S.A. It is also forbidden to disseminate, use, transmit, distribute, reproduce and transform, partially or in full, in any support or means, the contents of the CAP without the previous express consent of SEAT, S.A. unless otherwise indicated and not violating SEAT, S.A. ’s rights as recognised by current legislation.

INFORMATION FOR INTERNAL USE: the use of the documentation available on CAP is authorised to the staff of SEAT importers, exclusively for internal use, unless specified otherwise. By default, the information published in CAP will be assigned this security level, unless modified by the publisher.

PUBLIC INFORMATION: only information that has previously been authorised in writing by SEAT’s COMMUNICATION Department may be made available to the public or the press.

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION:information that is classified/marked “CONFIDENTIAL” may not be distributed outside your respective Department in your Company without the previous written authorisation of SEAT’s Commercial.

SECRET INFORMATION: information that is classified/marked “SECRET” is strictly accessible to namely designated persons only.


The present Privacy Policy aims at explaining when and why we collect your personal data, and how we use them, by using Commercial Application Portal (hereinafter, CAP)

Who is the data controller of your personal data?

Data controller identity SEAT, S.A. with Tax Identification Number A-28049161
Address Autovía A-2, Km.585, E-08760 Martorell (Barcelona)
Data Protection Officer contact details

How do we use your personal data?

SEAT, S.A. (hereinafter, “SEAT”) will process the personal data you provide us, as well as any other personal data that SEAT may have access as a consequence of your navigation, for the following main purposes:

• Allow, manage and control the access to information stored in the system to allow you to get and manage it easily and share documents and files needed for your specific job.

• Enable contact between you and those responsible in SEAT answer your questions regarding the operation and services offered.

The processing of your personal data for the purposes abovementioned is necessary for the registration and processing of your registration in CAP.

What is the lawful basis for processing your personal data?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the consent of the data subject, regarding the purposes detailed above.

What other recipients will the data be disclosed to?

SEAT, S.A. may communicate your personal data to third parties for compliance with a legal obligation, as well as to the system administrators in your company for the purposes indicated below and to be able to carry out their functions.

How long do we retain your personal data?

SEAT will retain your personal data as long as necessary to provide you with the functionalities included in the Application, and, in any event, until you ask for their elimination. In any case, we will retain your data to comply with any legal requirements corresponding to each category of data.

What are your rights as affected individual?

You can exercise the following rights before SEAT in your condition of data subject:

Access: You can get information if SEAT processes your personal data, as well as consult your personal data included in the SEAT files.
Rectification: You can modify your personal data when it´s inaccurate as well as complete those that are incomplete.
Suppression: You may request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
Opposition: You may request that your personal information not be processed. SEAT will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
Limitation of the processing: You can request the limitation to the processing of your personal data in the following cases:
o While objection of the exactitude of your personal data is being checked;
o When the data processing is illegal, you object the deletion of your data and request the limitation of its use;
o When SEAT does not need to process your data, but you need it for the exercise of defense claims;
o When you have opposed the processing of your personal data for the fulfillment of a mission of public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while it is verified if the legitimate reasons for the processing prevail over yours.
Portability: You can receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have given us and those that have been obtained from your contractual relationship with SEAT, as well as to transmit them to another entity.

You can exercise the aforementioned rights sending a written request addressed to SEAT, SA, Data Protection Officer, Autovía A-2, Km. 585, E-08760 Martorell (Barcelona) or by sending an email to attaching a copy of your ID or another document proving your identity and clearly indicating the right you wish to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free.

If you consider that SEAT has not treated your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations, you can file a complaint to the competent control authority through the website .

Quality of data

The entry of erroneous or incomplete data in the different forms may prevent us from contacting you. We trust that you ensure that you provide us with information and personal data in an exact and updated manner, and that you authorize us to process them under the conditions mentioned above.


We inform you that the necessary technical and organisational security measures have been implemented in order to guarantee the privacy of your personal data and to avoid their alteration, loss or unauthorised handling and/or access.

The transactions made by users may be logged with the aim of monitoring the correct use of the computer system.

The system administrators may remove any content published by the users, if it contravenes the various applicable legislations.

The User ID assigned and your password are for personal, non-transferable use. Do not let anyone know your password. We trust that you will understand that any irregular or fraudulent action registered by the system through your User ID will be taken to have been carried out by you.

SEAT, S.A. reserves the right to block a user’s access if there is any indication of fraudulent use of CAP services, as well as taking the legal actions necessary to defend its interests.

RDM | Disclaimer for documents / systems.

Contains competitively relevant third party data and information – disclosure, in whole or in part, to other authorized dealers (including own retail) as well as third parties is not permitted.

Valid from 25.05.2018